I could not believe how small BottleTree was. Great venue though. To see the National in such an intimate venue was much more amazing than seeing them in a big theater last time. The Rosebuds opened up and were fun, and sounded pretty good. I enjoy the Rosebuds' music, but am not overly impressed.
I loved how The National meats out at the end of most songs with a jam, which adds a new element to the songs (especially the slow ones). Also, Padma Newsome was an imperative addition to the cast. He played the violin, keys, and some sort of blow keyboard. They put on quite a show.
Start a War
Mistaken for Strangers
Secret Meeting
Baby, We'll Be Fine
Slow Show
Squalor Victoria
All The Wine
Racing Like a Pro
Apartment Story
Daughters of the Soho Riots
Fake Empire
About Today
Green Gloves
Mr. November
Can't wait to see them tonight in Dallas with St. Vincent opening.
Similar setlist in Dallas on Friday night, and they were UN...BE..LIEVABLE.
They were so much better live than I'd expected.
Best concert I've seen this year.
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